You are attending a trade show or a convention. Visitor are coming in and out from your booth. You want to be sure to collect all their contact details. This kind of event is a gold mine for your company to capture qualified lead information. You haven't found an efficient tool yet to both collect lead information quickly via your mobile device and send them an automated and customized email? Kizeo Forms is the perfect solution for you!
Our team launched a new template form on our library called Trade Show Contact Details Collection. Download it to try it and see all the possibilities offered by Kizeo Form to collect lead information and send automated emails.
Digital form 100% customized
Thanks to a broad set of smart options, you can choose the content of your contact form in order to collect the information relevant for your company. In our template, available on the library, you will find the following elements:
Send customized e-mail(s) on the spot
Thanks to this template, you can send on the spot an e-mail to the visitor. The email will be sent automatically when you save the digital form. Several scenarios of emails are set-up in this template. This way, you can choose whether to send it in English, Spanish or French. Additionally, you can decide which type of document will be attached to your email: price list, brochure, etc. Those documents must be added through the platform prior to the trade show. For more details on how to customized your emails, read our tutorial.
Of course, your can add or modify the content and attachment of those emails according to your needs!
Add information in your database or CRM
Using digital forms is a good way to avoid loosing or forgetting relevant information about the visitor. Plus, you will save a lot of time since the follow-up emails are sent instantly. Optimize your data collection even more by synchronizing Kizeo Forms with:
Store your forms in your Dropbox account. Learn more.

Store your forms in your FTP server. Learn more.

Store your forms in your own CRM. How to use the API.
Download the Trade Show Contact Collection template
Download the template from the platform by clicking the library button. Then select the English language, select the form called Trade Show Contact Details Collection and click the Add to my account button.
Remember that this from is a template that you can fully customize according to your requirements. It will give you a glimpse of the possibilities offered by Kizeo Forms. Of course you can also create your form from scratch! If you don't have an account yet, start a free trial now!
Start a free trial now!
During 15 days, you will be able to create your own digital forms using a broad set of smart options such as photo, geolocation, calculation, NFC tag, drawing and more! There is no commitment and no credit card information is required. If you have any question on how to get started, our team will be glad to assist you by phone at +33 (0)4-90-23-67-60 or by email at