04 Jan, 2024

Kizeo Forms New releases: January 2024

Our teams have been implementing new features and updating some elements of our form builder. Check out all the new features below!

What's new?

Subscribe to a form

The form subscription has been revamped with new options. On the original account side, it is now possible to:

1-Send an email notification to people of your choice when subscribing to a form via a third-party Kizeo Forms account.

EN - Abonnement à un formulaire-1

2-Import your own Terms and Conditions of Use to a form and all subscribers must accept and download them.
3-Access personalised subscriber reports created via an e-mail scenario.

EN - Informer linvité

4-Filter an external list by company account.

EN - Filtre code entrepriseCheck out our tutorial for more information


Administrators, you are responsible for managing subscriptions to forms, creating Terms and Conditions and setting up external lists.

On the subscriber side, depending on the settings initiated by the original account, you will have to accept and download the latter's Terms & Conditions. You will then be notified that this account can use the data entered by your users (via the e-mail scenario).

This feature enables you to work transparently with suppliers and subcontractors and speed up the flow of information.

The new functions of the Calculation Field

Many of you use all the possibilities of the Calculation field on a daily basis. These new developments will enable you to go even further: rounding off, displaying minimum/maximum values and calculating an average are now child's play.

What's more, 5 new mathematical functions can be accessed directly via the:

  • Cosine
  • Sine
  • Natural logarithm
  • Power
  • Exponential

With the integration of these new functions, you'll be able to create mathematical formulas and calculate easily.

En - Champ CalculUnderstand Calculation Field


The Signature field in email scenario filters

There are a number of advanced filters for configuring e-mail sending. The Signature field can now be set as a filter in the advanced conditions for email scenarios. Without a signature, the email will not be sent.

EN - Champ SignatureFilter Settings


The latest Kizeo Forms integrations!

Interoperability, previously reserved for developers, becomes intuitive via Zapier, one of the many tools that allow you to connect Kizeo Forms to other solutions and automate the flow of data to and from Kizeo Forms.

Zapier_IntegrationsZapier x Kizeo Forms


The Webhook also makes it easier to automate processes and obtain real-time data as soon as a specific event occurs.

Webhook_IntegrationKF-1Webhook Guide

Go digital today!

Create an account to test the Kizeo Forms App Free of charge for 15 days !

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