Blog Archives

08 Aug, 2023

How to collect and interpret data?

Collecting and interpreting data involves a systematic approach to ensure accurate and meaningful analysis. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to collect and interpret data:

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25 Jul, 2023

Transforming Field Data Collection: Unlocking the Potential of Kizeo Forms

Efficient and accurate data collection lies at the heart of successful fieldwork. The ability to collect, manage, and analyse data seamlessly is crucial for optimising operations and making informed decisions. Fortunately, with the advent of field data collection tools, the era of cumbersome paperwork and manual data entry is a thing of the past. Among the plethora of options available, one tool stands head and shoulders above the [...]

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18 Jul, 2023

Choosing the Right Form Fields for your mobile forms

When designing mobile forms, it’s essential to choose the right form fields to make the process easy for the user. But with so many different form fields, which ones should you use? In this blog, we'll discuss the different types of form fields available for mobile forms. This includes input elements, input type text fields, dropdowns, checkboxes etc.

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04 Jul, 2023

Boost Your Efficiency with our Form Creator

Are you tired of the time consuming process of manually creating forms for your business? Kizeo Forms is the right solution for you. This tool is designed to help increase your efficiency and productivity.

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20 Jun, 2023

Why is data gathering often time consuming?

Data gathering can be time-consuming due to several factors:

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13 Jun, 2023

What is reliability in data collection?

Reliability in data collection refers to the consistency and dependability of the data collected. It assesses the extent to which the measurement or data collection process produces consistent and stable results. In other words, reliability is the degree to which repeated measurements or observations yield consistent outcomes.

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06 Jun, 2023

Can data be 100% accurate?

Achieving 100% accuracy in data collection is a challenging task. While organisations strive to gather accurate data, it is important to understand that achieving perfection is often impractical or even impossible due to various factors. Here are a few reasons why data cannot always be 100% accurate:

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31 May, 2023

What's new on Kizeo Forms for the 2nd trimester of 2023

Do you know what have been the latest new features we have implemented in Kizeo Forms? Here we share with you the summary of all the functionalities we have launched and the improvements we have implemented in the second quarter of 2023. At the end, as always, you have the section Did you know? where we tell you about the advantages of filling in the photo field using the camera of the Kizeo Forms app.

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23 May, 2023

Top apps for the pest control industry

With global warming driving a shift towards longer, hotter summers, and a continued growth of urban populations across the world - the numbers of rodents are increasing. And with an increase in rodents, and indeed pests of the insect variety, comes a need to control them.

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11 May, 2023

Top apps for the construction industry

Whilst some industries are bouncing back from the post-pandemic slump, the construction industry is among those that are facing tough times with more yet to come. The Russo-Ukrainian war, coupled with inflationary pressures, and ongoing labour issues is creating havoc for the sector in many ways. Here we focus on the key issues faced by the construction industry, and the top apps that could ease the pain for those heading up and [...]

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