Blog Archives

26 Sep, 2023

What are the top 10 data collection apps

Data collection offers numerous benefits across various domains, including research, business operations, customer feedback, and decision-making processes. There are a huge variety of data collection apps on the market and the selection of such apps will depend greatly on your intended use for the data you are collecting and the process and format of data collection. We have summarised our top 10 data collection apps in our latest [...]

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31 Aug, 2023

The Art and Science of Gathering Data: Unleashing the Power of Information

Since the advent of the internet, we have become increasingly obsessed with gathering and analysing data. Many people argue that the term ‘big data’ was first used by computer scientist John R Mashey in the 1990s. Others believe it was much later in 2005 coined by Roger Mougalas and the O'Reilly Media group. Either way, the power that data collection now wields over everyday decision making is significant and ever-growing.

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06 Oct, 2022

10 jobs that need to go paperless

With remote working gaining importance in today's world, traditional paper documents are slowly becoming redundant. Cloud-based digital solutions are gaining importance and many enterprises are getting rid of their filing cabinets.

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23 Jun, 2022

What is the best data collection app?

Data collection is a principal form of information flow in several enterprises. Capturing data is still principally done via paper in several enterprises. This has several disadvantages ranging from lack of data security to loss of time treating the information collected.

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27 Jan, 2022

How to facilitate data collection in your company

Data is a key component of every business. It allows organisations to measure, control, and improve. However, collecting information is not always that simple. In this blog, we share with you 5 simple ways in which you can ease the data collection process in your company.

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