Blog Archives

14 May, 2024

Exploring the Latest Frontiers in Data Collection: What's New and Exciting

In the fast-paced world of data collection, staying ahead of the curve is essential. As technology evolves and consumer behaviors shift, new methods and tools emerge to capture and analyse data in more innovative and efficient ways than ever before. Let's delve into the latest trends and advancements shaping the landscape of data collection.

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05 Oct, 2023

Simplify Your Data Collection with Our Secure Online Form Builder

Why should you use an online form builder? Online forms allow you to gather data and information from individuals in a structured and organised manner. Whether you need customer feedback, survey responses, event registrations, job applications, or any other type of data, an online form builder simplifies the process of collecting and managing that information.

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26 Sep, 2023

What are the top 10 data collection apps

Data collection offers numerous benefits across various domains, including research, business operations, customer feedback, and decision-making processes. There are a huge variety of data collection apps on the market and the selection of such apps will depend greatly on your intended use for the data you are collecting and the process and format of data collection. We have summarised our top 10 data collection apps in our latest [...]

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31 Aug, 2023

The Art and Science of Gathering Data: Unleashing the Power of Information

Since the advent of the internet, we have become increasingly obsessed with gathering and analysing data. Many people argue that the term ‘big data’ was first used by computer scientist John R Mashey in the 1990s. Others believe it was much later in 2005 coined by Roger Mougalas and the O'Reilly Media group. Either way, the power that data collection now wields over everyday decision making is significant and ever-growing.

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25 Jul, 2023

Transforming Field Data Collection: Unlocking the Potential of Kizeo Forms

Efficient and accurate data collection lies at the heart of successful fieldwork. The ability to collect, manage, and analyse data seamlessly is crucial for optimising operations and making informed decisions. Fortunately, with the advent of field data collection tools, the era of cumbersome paperwork and manual data entry is a thing of the past. Among the plethora of options available, one tool stands head and shoulders above the [...]

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20 Jun, 2023

Why is data gathering often time consuming?

Data gathering can be time-consuming due to several factors:

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13 Jun, 2023

What is reliability in data collection?

Reliability in data collection refers to the consistency and dependability of the data collected. It assesses the extent to which the measurement or data collection process produces consistent and stable results. In other words, reliability is the degree to which repeated measurements or observations yield consistent outcomes.

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06 Jun, 2023

Can data be 100% accurate?

Achieving 100% accuracy in data collection is a challenging task. While organisations strive to gather accurate data, it is important to understand that achieving perfection is often impractical or even impossible due to various factors. Here are a few reasons why data cannot always be 100% accurate:

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17 Feb, 2022

Collecting data is great - but what should you do next?

Despite what many people think, the data collection process is not an end in itself. This is a very common misconception. Data collection is, on the contrary, the first of a thorough set of steps that involves the analysis, interpretation, and comparison of all of the collected information. In this blog, we will guide you through every one of these steps. By the time you finish reading, you will be a professional data analyst.

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10 Feb, 2022

How to turn your mobile device into an efficient work tool

Our mobile devices come with us everywhere. We use them to chat with people, take pictures, and scroll through social media. What if we said you can also use them as a working tool? These devices have the potential to help us get through our day-to-day tasks. They can boost your productivity and increase your efficiency. Interested in turning your mobile device into a working tool? Read on to find out how to make the most out of them!

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