Blog Archives

16 Jan, 2018

How To Collect Contact Information During a Trade Show

You are attending a trade show or a convention. Visitor are coming in and out from your booth. You want to be sure to collect all their contact details. This kind of event is a gold mine for your company to capture qualified lead information. You haven't found an efficient tool yet to both collect lead information quickly via your mobile device and send them an automated and customized email? Kizeo Forms is the perfect solution for you!

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04 Jan, 2018

Bouygues Construction Is Going Digital with Kizeo Forms

Bouygues and Kizeo are working together to digitize the management of Bouygues' activities in public works. Documents such as security visits or reception sheet are now generated through digital forms. For instance, those forms are used for a construction site called EOLE, which is an extension of one of the main lines of Paris Subway. Bouygues is in charge of digging a six-kilometer tunnel and constructing a new station in the capital.

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28 Dec, 2017

Find out about the 'Read-Only' option for your group leaders

New update in the rights of access. As an administrator of a Kizeo Forms account, you can set and manage the right of access of each one of the forms in your account. Those rights of access can be different according to each digital form, according to the user, to the group to whom he belongs and to his status. Let's have a quick reminder of the different statuses that you can use with Kizeo Forms:

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20 Dec, 2017

Newsletter We Keep You InFORMed #3 - What happened this quarter?

Find out what happen in 2017! Let's review all the new releases and news that you may have missed this quarter!

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19 Dec, 2017

Get The Most Out Of Your Sales Visit By Using Digital Forms

You are a sales representative and you visit leads and clients in their facilities all day long. Afterward, you need to write down the details of those visits on a paper document. Moreover, you spend time entering this data on your laptop and doing follow-up (sending email, filling your database). What if you could use a tool that can automate those tasks for you? This solution is called digital forms! With Kizeo Forms, you can totally [...]

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06 Dec, 2017

Testimonial - Charles REMANDE, Sodexo Energy and Maintenance

« Kizeo is guiding daily our field technicians at Sodexo Energy and Maintenance, French multi-technical branch of the Sodexo group, in optimizing our processes on site. Indeed, thanks to Kizeo Forms, digitization has become a real tool within reach. We now save a substantial amount of time.

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24 Oct, 2017

How To Choose a Secure Password

According to a recent study carried out by Vanson Bourne consultants: 71% of companies worldwide aren’t sure how to manage and protect their data from theft.

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19 Oct, 2017

Interview with César Suárez, from the Michelle company in Costa Rica

Company: Michelle Company, Costa Rica Industry: Agriculture Testimonial by: César Suárez Rojas Tell us about your profession We are a company that is dedicated to the commercialization of fruits and vegetables, for export to different countries of the world. We take care of quality control from the field to the hands of the consumer in the United States, Europe, Russia and others. I am in charge of the continuous improvement of the [...]

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17 Oct, 2017

How To Automatically Generate a Voucher During a Delivery With Kizeo Forms

With the new form template available on our library, delivery companies will now be able to generate and send automatically a voucher to their clients in this exact moment when the driver will finish filling out the digital form.

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03 Oct, 2017

Rental Walk-Through Inspection with Kizeo Forms

You are a real estate agent or you work within a property management company, then this checklist template is exactly what you need! You will now be able to fill out an inspection checklist with a new tenant directly from your mobile device. The template is now available for download from our library!

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