The farm business is certainly not for the faint of heart, to say the least. There are a variety of aspects involved that must be measured and controlled very precisely in order for success to be attained and, subsequently, maintained. Managing a myriad of equipment, crops, animals, and people all at the same time is no small feat. The farm equipment must be kept in top working condition, crops’ growth must be consistently regulated, [...]
Mobile Farms: Forms For Farm Management
Top 10 mobile forms for the agriculture industry
For the agriculture industry, the transmission of information from the field is one of the key activities. Through this article learn about the most used mobile forms for the agriculture industry and how to create them using the Kizeo Forms app. Go paperless and optimize information flow within your enterprise. The agriculture industry is packed with activities that require data collection directly from the field! Mobility is key to [...]
Perform Quality Sampling with the Kizeo Forms application!
If you are in the agricultural industry, you are constantly sampling your produce to ensure that you provide high quality produce to your consumers. Most commonly observations are made and recorded on paper making it hard to comprehend due to illegible handwriting resulting in lost time.
Perform Tractor Inspections with the Kizeo Forms application!
If you are in the agricultural industry, you are constantly trying to ensure perfect functioning of your tractors by constantly inspecting and maintaining the internal and external parts of the tractor to ensure it functions efficiently. Most commonly this is done on paper making it hard to comprehend and more difficult to send schedules and updates to the maintenance team resulting in lost time as the same data is then re-entered on a [...]
Interview with Sergio Hidalgo Valverde, Manager at the Piña Alegre company in Costa Rica
Sergio Hidalgo Valverde opens the doors of his company Piña Alegre in Costa Rica to explain how he implemented the Kizeo Forms digital forms to retrieve and analyze information directly from the field.
We will present the Kizeo Forms solution during the Fruit Attraction Trade Show in Madrid from October 23 to 25
The international Fruit Attraction Trade Show, a fair dedicated to the agricultural sector, will celebrate its 10th anniversary from Tuesday 23 to Thursday 25 October 2018 in Madrid, Spain. The event will gather around 70,000 visitors from 120 different countries and will expose more than 1,600 companies. Fruit Attraction's motto "Where fresh produce & innovation meet" illustrates the sector's strong tendency towards innovation.
Monitor your crops with the Kizeo Forms application
If you are in the agricultural industry, you are constantly recording data about the crops such as growth rate, diseases, fertilizers used and calculating the harvest time. Most commonly this is done on paper making it hard to comprehend and resulting in lost time as the same data is then re-entered on a computer.
Discover the ingredients to automate and TransFORM the Food and Beverage industry
Forms are used in the Food and Beverage industry throughout the value chain. The features offered by Kizeo Forms can help all the companies in this industry save time and money while performing several complicated functions that could benefit the organisations. With the ever growing demand for food products, companies must aim to automate their processes and provide the best to their consumers.
Sow the seeds of Digital TransFORMation – Discover Digital Forms for Agriculture
Farmers are on the field working hard every day to provide for our daily necessities. Kizeo Forms tries to ease the life of these farmers by eliminating the paperwork that the farmers have to oblige with on a daily basis and replace them with digital forms! Kizeo Forms can revolutionize the administrative processes in Agriculture!
Interview with César Suárez, from the Michelle company in Costa Rica
Company: Michelle Company, Costa Rica Industry: Agriculture Testimonial by: César Suárez Rojas Tell us about your profession We are a company that is dedicated to the commercialization of fruits and vegetables, for export to different countries of the world. We take care of quality control from the field to the hands of the consumer in the United States, Europe, Russia and others. I am in charge of the continuous improvement of the [...]
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