Blog Archives

09 Apr, 2018

SICK of paperwork? Discover digital forms for Healthcare!

Forms in Healthcare industry The healthcare industry is inundated with immense paper work. Multiple forms are used to fulfil various objectives such as obtaining and updating healthcare records of patients, administration and billing, laboratory results and inventory of surgical equipment & medicines. Kizeo Forms helps you design and customize forms to help you save time and resources.

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26 Mar, 2018

Already 31,000 active users for Kizeo Forms!

The mobility and digitization solution Kizeo Forms is turning into a major tool in the daily activity of many professionals. Since last week, we have reached more than 31,000 users!

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16 Mar, 2018

6 reasons to digitize the forms filled during your daily field interventions

Digitization has on an overall positive impact on the organization of a company. Since the automation of internal business processes is a clear time saver, the company will be more efficient and productive.

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28 Feb, 2018

Accelerate The Digital Transformation on Construction Sites

Digital transformation for the construction industry The construction industry is undergoing an irreversible digitization process. BIM, 3D printing, daily reporting on mobile devices… Digital tools are now almost on every construction site these past few years. This trend is going to last.

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24 Oct, 2017

How To Choose a Secure Password

According to a recent study carried out by Vanson Bourne consultants: 71% of companies worldwide aren’t sure how to manage and protect their data from theft.

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28 Aug, 2017

6 Reasons To Start The School Year With Digital Forms

Whether you are a high school teacher or a college professor, you spend countless hours working on student assignments and preparing lessons. Using digital forms can significantly improve the impact and efficiency of your work and help your pupils as well. Let’s see the six reasons why you should start the school year with digital forms.

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08 Aug, 2017

Let's Get To Know Amanda, Marketing And Communication Representative at Kizeo

In this section, discover all the faces of Kizeo !

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09 Jun, 2017

Automate Your Business Processes By Integrating Kizeo Forms Into Your Information System

Your are now a regular Kizeo Forms user and you already make the most out of it using all its features? Well, the next step for you will be to integrate our App into your Information System and therefore into your workflow.

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24 May, 2017

A Few Words From Our CEO

In this section , discover all the faces of Kizeo!

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22 May, 2017

Kizeo launches a brand new mobile App called Doocity

Designed specifically for public administrations, Doocity makes communication between elected representatives and their citizens easy.

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