Inventory Management Applications help you manage all aspects of inventory such as procuring, packing, shipping analyzing etc. There are several applications that are available to help in managing your inventory. It is however very difficult to pick the right one. This article can help you understand the various parameters to look for while making your choice. The Kizeo Forms app can be the perfect tool to help you achieve your [...]
Why choose Kizeo Forms over other Mobile Forms applications?
Are you currently trying to digitalize data collection at your enterprise? This article will help you choose the right application that will perfectly cater to your data collection needs!
How to automate vehicle inspections? Deliver more with Kizeo Forms!
All companies in the transportation and logistics sector perform vehicle inspections on a daily basis. Creating DVIR's (Driver vehicle inspection reports) is essential to avoid issues & ensure compliance. Paper forms can hinder inspection quality and result in inaccuracies. Automating this process is essential to save time, money and address issues immediately.
The Kizeo Forms Application wins the Best Value and Customer Choice Award from popular directory for business software
Award Details The Kizeo team is proud to pin another accolade, the Kizeo Forms application has won the Summer 2019 Best Value and Summer 2019 Customer Choice award on the SoftwareSuggest platform under the Forms Automation Software category. It is one of the most used platforms to help businesses look for the right software.
Why use an application to track your hours worked on an iPhone?
Do you work on the field? You are undoubtedly looking for ways to reduce the time spent on paperwork on a daily basis. The best solution is to use an application to track your hours worked on an iPhone or iPad! With it, you will simplify and reduce the time allocated to these mandated tasks.
Interview: Christopher Auguste, Safety Engineer at GCC shares his experience with Kizeo Forms
Christophe Auguste Safety Engineer GCC >> Test Kizeo Forms for free! Can you tell us more about GCC? C. Auguste: With no less than 45 operating entities spread throughout France, as well as in Switzerland, Morocco and Côte d'Ivoire, the GCC group has nearly 2,700 employees. In less than 20 years, we have succeeded in becoming one of the top 10 construction companies, thanks to an organization based on the commitment and autonomy of our [...]
How to fill out daily construction reports from a Mobile application?
Daily construction reports record the progress of a project. Through this article, learn to automate them and fill them out from any location. Discover the various benefits of using a mobile application to fill out your reports. Daily construction logs are necessary to record all the work done on the site on a given day. It is important to record the progress of the construction project. The construction daily report includes data such [...]
Secret to Lead retrieval from any location, CRM integration and analysis
Lead retrieval is a key process for field sales executives. Through this article, learn the secret to automating data collection and the various benefits that accompany it. Follow a few simple steps to start automating this process at your enterprise.
Inventory Management with the Kizeo Forms application!
Inventory management requires accuracy and real time tracking to ensure optimum performance. If inventory observations are recorded on paper, it would result in lost time and result in several manual errors.
Four good reasons to use digital intervention forms!
Intervention reports: A frequently untapped source of information! Intervention forms are essential documents for working on the move. They act as proof of the work done, as a synthesis of observations or as a checklist. In other words, it is a tool that makes information accessible to all stakeholders in a project. The intervention reports are a valuable source of data for analysing your technical performance. It is precisely for [...]
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