Automate insurance appraisals For insurance claims, one needs to provide a lot of information and provide attached proof. Using paper forms for this process is tiresome and could result in several manual errors. Furthermore, this data is re-entered on a computer resulting in lost time and money.
Digital Forms for Insurance - Guaranteed Increase in efficiency with the Kizeo Forms application!
Discover Digital forms for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Services!
📲Automate form filling with Kizeo Forms! HVAC services requires data collection and transfer between the contractors and company workers for equipment inspections, maintenance, contracts, invoices, proposals, standard rules and regulations document, safety checklists and more! Paper forms can be a hindrance to this process as it takes up a lot of time to fill the form, data must be re-entered on the computer after form filling and [...]
Conduct Employee Performance Evaluations with the Kizeo Forms application!
✅ Quick and Productive Performance Evaluations Managers have to regularly evaluate the performance of their employees and share feedback. These performance evaluations involve a lot of paperwork and requires data transfers between employees and managers(immediate and high level managers). Using paper forms results in lost time and can result in several manual errors. Furthermore, there is no data security.
Modernize your business with Digital Forms
📲 Go digital today and improve efficiency! With the age digtalization, enterprises are constantly evolving with technology to increase efficiency and obtain a competitive advantage. A lot of industries is involved in field activities and are still using paper forms because of which they are unable to reach their full potential and incur constant losses.
Discover Digital Forms for Roofing Services!
🏠Deliver the best Roofing Service Commercial and Residential roofing is always performed on the field and involves various steps such as collecting the contact details of the customer, location, checking if the necessary equipment to perform the service is available or needs to be purchased, site inspection, installation/repair/replacement of the roof in accordance with the rules and regulations, invoicing and analysis. Using paper [...]
Discover Digital Forms for plumbing! Drain your worries away with the Kizeo Forms application!
⏱Provide timely plumbing service with the Kizeo Forms application! Successful plumbing requires proper organization and management. One needs to obtain all the customer data such as the name, location as well as the issue and transfer these details to the right plumber as quickly as possible to provide the best service. Paper forms are a huge hindrance to this process as it requires data re-entries and are sometimes illegible and [...]
Create and Manage Purchase Orders with the Kizeo Forms application!
📲Digital Purchase Orders Digital purchase orders resemble invoices but are used to initiate purchases and are very important to manage accounts payable. The purchase orders must contain clear information such as the list of goods and services, pricing information, shipping details, signature, terms and conditions etc. Creating purchase orders on paper comes with several limitations. Hand written forms are difficult to comprehend and [...]
Watch the video testimonial with Huug van Vossen - Reliability Engineer at Actemium
Huug van Vossen, Reliability Engineer at Actemium explains how he implemented the Kizeo Forms solution to retrieve, integrate and analyze data collected from the field using a mobile device/tablet.
Smart Traffic Management with the Kizeo Forms application!
✅Plan, Control and Execute Traffic management requires proper planning, control and execution. A lot of data is recorded to achieve and optimize traffic management. Recording this data on paper results in lost time as the same data is re-entered on a computer, there is also a lack of security and sometimes the written data is illegible and difficult to comprehend resulting in errors.
Perform Quality Sampling with the Kizeo Forms application!
If you are in the agricultural industry, you are constantly sampling your produce to ensure that you provide high quality produce to your consumers. Most commonly observations are made and recorded on paper making it hard to comprehend due to illegible handwriting resulting in lost time.
Go digital today!
Create an account to test the Kizeo Forms App Free of charge for 15 days !